Design and Animation
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This data visualisation is a timeline of events since the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Singapore. Like many others during the coronavirus situation, I found myself obsessively refreshing social media for news and to read others’ comments. I was fascinated by people’s responses to news articles and government action. Some seemed prescient; others were representations of people’s frustrations with their fellow countrymen; others were humorous takes on government measures. All were exemplars of these unusual times.

Thus, I included news articles and social media comments (mainly sourced from r/singapore) from each day, side-by-side with the graph of patient’s demographic data. The intent was to contextualise the statistical data—to create a sort of social barometer—what were Singaporeans and Singapore residents feeling, thinking with regards to the coronavirus crisis in Singapore? Did they trust the government’s measures, think it was too much or too little?

In addition to the data provided by the MOH and at, credit must be given to the following civilian-compiled data sources:

Singapore COVID-19 Data

SG COVID-19 Cases Graphed

and attention directed to alternative visualisations:

How are Singapore’s COVID-19 cases related?, Kontinentalist

COVID-19 Clusters in Singapore, Channel News Asia

COVID Cluster Visualisation in SG, Timothy Liu